Moulding Shop
Equipped for match plate hand moulding with various sizes of moulding boxes for CO2 sand / 2 part sand handmoulding with oil & no-bake cores. We have also facility of Continuous Mixer & 30kg.Bowl Mixer, Co2 Manifold & Co2 Knock out, with Sand Shaver, & Sand Crusher
Melting Pouring
Equipped with a medium frequency induction furnace with 150 kgs. and 500 kgs. capacity crucibles & also DIP Type Immersion Pyrometer for checking temperature of liquid metal
Fettling Heat Treatment
Equipped with a 6” x 4.5’ x 4.5’ Oil Fired heat treatment furnace with water quenching & forced air cooling facilities – having 3 point thermocouples with computerized graphical representation